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Community Canopy Program

The Community Canopy Program is a voluntary financial donation program providing the opportunity for Town of Orange Park utility customers to assist those in need by rounding up their monthly water/sewer bill to the nearest dollar.

Example: If a utility bill is $71.50, and the customer chooses to participate in the program, the amount paid will round up to $72.00. The Program will receive $0.50 and $71.50 will be paid towards the utility bill.

How to Participate: Complete the opt-in form to enroll in the Program. Once enrolled, your bill will be automatically rounded up every month.

Who is Eligible? Town of Orange Park residential utility customers who are:

  • Elderly, 60 years of age or older whose household income is below the poverty level;
  • Handicapped whose household income is below the poverty level;
  • Low income households below the poverty level; or
  • Any customer who has an emergency situation which results in temporary hardships.

What Does the Program Cover? The Program covers payment of the current or past due Town of Orange Park utility bill. Assistance is limited to one time in a twelve-month period. Program funds cannot be used to cover deposits. JEA bills are not eligible under the Community Canopy Program.

Who Does the Needs Assessment? The Town has an agreement with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Catherine’s Church in Orange Park to conduct the needs assessment of customers seeking to utilize the program. The agency receives no compensation for this service and is required to apply the criteria without reference to the applicant’s race, ethnic origin, nationality, primary language, religion, political affiliation, sex, marital status, or any disability. The Town will not complete any needs assessments for the program.

Who Manages the Funds? The Town keeps the Community Canopy Program funds in a separate bank account for use only in paying qualified recipient’s Town utility bills.

For questions or to if you wish to stop participating in the Program, please contact the Utility Department at (904) 278-3016 or email at fhudson@townop.com or banderson@townop.com.

To apply for assistance, please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Office at (904) 639-5839 or (904) 264-0577 ext. 304.

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