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Boards & Committees

Town Board & Committee Information:

Audience view of Council dais and speaker podium.

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Culture and Recreation Committee

This committee makes recommendations related to Parks and Recreation Sites and Equipment, Landscaping and Beautification, Athletic Complex, T.C. Miller Community Center, Public Buildings and Properties, and Special Events (Fall Festival, Santa, etc.) as assigned.

Name Seat Expires
Councilman Doug Benefield, Chair 1 May 20 2025
Vice-Mayor Winnette Sandlin, Vice-Chair 2 May 20 2025
Mary Hawkins 1 May 20 2025
Melissa Harris 1 May 20 2025

May 20 2025

Economic and Community Development Committee

This Committee makes recommendations related to the Town\'s economic development efforts.

Name Seat Expires
Vice-Mayor Winnette Sandlin, Chair
2 May 20 2025
Councilman Glenn Taylor, Vice-Chair 3 May 20 2025

May 20 2025

May 20 2025

May 20 2025

Environmental Quality Board

The Environmental Quality Board makes recommendations related to tree preservation, sign ordinances and other environmental matters as assigned.

Name Seat Expires
Jaigl Gonzalez 1 May 19 2026
John Jordan 2 May 19 2026
Diane Cook
3 May 18 2027
Kathleen Kirby 4 May 20 2025
Debra Waters, Chair 5 May 20 2025

Budget and Finance Committee

This committee makes recommendations related to Financial Reviews and Internal Audits, Enterprise Funds, Budget Monitor, and Grants as assigned.

Name Seat Expires
Mayor Randy Anderson, Chair
5 May 20 2025
Vice-Mayor Winnette Sandlin, Vice-Chair
2 May 20 2025
Councilman Doug Benefield 1 May 20 2025
Councilman Glenn Taylor 3 May 20 2025
Councilman Kenneth Vogel 4 May 20 2025
Melissa Harris 5 May 20 2025
Sandra DiGiovanni 5 May 20 2025
Chuck Smithers 5 May 20 2025

Fire Pension Board

This is the Board of Trustees for the Firefighters Pension plan.

Jeff Ross Council Appointee
Jan 19 2025
Bernie Dandridge
Council Appointee
Jan 01 2025
Justin Frisbee, Chair Pension Member Jan 01 2026
Justin Dean Pension Member Jan 01 2025
Tracy Connell Joint Member Jan 01 2026

Historic Preservation Board

This board’s duties include: effect and accomplish the preservation, enhancement, protection, perpetuation and use of landmarks, landmark sites and historical districts having a special historic, architectural, archaeological, aesthetic or cultural interest and value to the town, state or nation; Safeguard the town’s historic aesthetic and cultural heritage as embodied and reflected in such landmarks, landmark sites, and districts; promote the use of historic districts, landmarks, and landmark sites for the education, pleasure and welfare of the people of the town; foster civic pride in the value of notable accomplishments of the past; strengthen the economy of the town; protect and enhance the town’s resources to residents, tourists and visitors and serve as a support and stimulus to business and economic development; and enhance the visual and aesthetic character, diversity and interest of the Town.

Name Seat Expires
Kelly Hellmuth
Angel Corrales
May 19 2026
May 19 2026
Allison Myers 3 May 18 2027
Tim Kirby 4 May 20 2025
Norman Snyder
5 May 20 2025

Magnolia Cemetery Board of Trustees

The Cemetery Board makes recommendations related to the care and maintenance of the Town-owned Magnolia Cemetery as assigned.

Name Seat Expires
Barbara Elliott 1 May 19 2026
Sandra DiGiovanni, Chair
2 May 19 2026
Neil Bergal 3 May 18 2027
Melissa Harris 4 May 20 2025
Shirley Johnston 5 May 20 2025

Planning and Zoning Board

The Planning & Zoning board oversees: zoning and land use changes, and makes recommendations related to the Town\'s Comprehensive Plan and other development related matters as assigned.

Name Seat Expires
Alex Moore, Vice-Chair
1 May 19 2026
Michele Hale 2 May 19 2026
Marc Jernigan
3 May 18 2027
George Niles 4 May 20 2025
Alex Hawkins, Chair 5 May 20 2025

Police Pension Board

This is the Board of Trustees for the Police Pension plan.

Name Seat Expires
Chuck Smithers Council Appointee Jan 01 2026
Angela Wester Council Appointee Feb 01 2024
Randy Case, Chair Pension Member Jun 01 2024
Arvid Nelson, Secretary Pension Member Jun 01 2024
Gary Goble Joint Member Mar 01 2025

Public Safety Public Works

This committee makes recommendations related to Traffic Control, Right-of-Way / Easements, Public Welfare & Safety, Police & Fire Departments, Public Utility Systems and Infrastructure, and Sanitation & Recycling as assigned.

Name Seat Expires
Councilman Kenneth Vogel, Chair 4 May 20 2025
Mayor Randy Anderson, Vice-Chair 5 May 20 2025

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