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This is a public notice regarding a proposed drainage improvement project on Winfred Drive in Orange Park, Florida. The Town of Orange Park is applying for federal funding (through FEMA) to install an additional box culvert at the Winfred Drive crossing over Dudley Branch Creek. This aims to prevent flooding that currently isolates residents, damages property, and delays emergency services during severe weather. The public is invited to comment on the project's potential environmental and other impacts.

Click here to read the public notice in its entirety.

For more information, including details about the project and how to submit comments, please contact Kyle Croce at or Amanda Chin at Amanda.Chin@em.myflorida.

Offices Closed for Presidents' Day

In honor of Presidents' Day, we will be closed on Monday, February 17. We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18 at 7:30AM. Trash collection and emergency services will remain uninterrupted.

Town Council Meeting (Amended Agenda)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Orange Park, Florida, will hold a Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers – Town Hall, located at 2042 Park Avenue, Orange Park, FL 32073. The purpose of the Council Meeting is to discuss current business matters related thereto. Action may be taken by the Town Council at this meeting. Members of the public are invited to attend the Council Meeting and provide oral or written comments on the agenda items.

The packet for the Council Meeting is available to the public here. The Town Clerk can also email a copy of the agenda to anyone who requests a copy at or by telephone at 904-278-3011.

Executive "Shade" Session

Public notice is hereby given that the Town Council will meet in an Executive "Shade" Session on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Conference Room.

Coffee with a Cop

Come sip on some coffee and chit chat with some of our TOP cops from the Orange Park Police Department! Next Coffee with a Cop is February 18, from 7AM-9AM, at Dunkin' Donuts, 1408 Park Avenue.

Pastors on Patrol

Pastors on Patrol is a six-week course designed to familiarize our town’s church pastors and pastoral staff members with the role, responsibilities, and goals of the officers that make up the Orange Park Police Department.
  1. Learn the various types of calls for service that patrol officers respond to
  2. How our agency assists other Law Enforcement agencies via mutual aid
  3. Response to active shooter training
  4. Learn the different types of special response units (S.W.A.T., Crisis Negotiations, K-9, Bomb Squad)
  5. Evidence identification, processing, and collection
  6. Learn the different levels of force that are authorized to be used and in what circumstances such force would be either justified or not justified.
Training starts: February 20, 2025 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
Training dates: February 20, February 27, March 6, March 13, March 20, and March 27.
Graduation and Awards: April 15, 2025
Location: Orange Park Police Department Training Room – 2025 Smith Steet.
RSVP by February 17, 2025 to ECLAXTON@TOWNOP.COM

Waste Management

Stormwater Program

Is your nearest storm drain missing a medallion? If so, please contact Public Works at 904-264-7411, or email We’ll be sure to place one for you.

Sign up for Emergency Alerts

ALERT Clay County is a new statewide emergency and severe weather alert system. The current CodeRED program has been discontinued by Clay County. Please sign up for the new system here. Users information is not automatically transferred to the new system. Please call 904-284-7703 for more information.
Alert Clay County Logo

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